The caraway seeds contain 2-7% of essential oil consisting of carvone (45-65%), smaller amounts of limonene, carveol and some other substances. Furthermore, the seeds contain around 20% fatty oil. Plants that grow in the wild usually contain more oil than plants that are cultivated and have therefore a stronger flavor. The leaves of caraway are […]
Herbs - General
What is Dwarf Milkwort used for?
The main ingredients consist of triterpene saponins, a bitter substance (polygamarin), tannins and essential oils with salicylates. Dwarf milkwort has similar medical properties as its related species, common milkwort (Polygala vulgaris) and senega root (Polygala senega). Due to the saponins and bitter substances found in the plant, it has expectorant and diuretic properties and stimulates […]
What is Ephedra (Ma Huang) used for?
Ma huang is used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as an herbal treatment for asthma, hay fever, nose and lung congestion, chest tightness, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and for patients with fever and lack of perspiration (anhidrosis). Ephedra is used as a performance booster; to increase the blood circulation to the muscles for energy and endurance from […]
What is Cumin used for?
Cumin is a crop that was in use in the Mediterranean and the Middle East already in antiquity. The herb is mentioned in the Bible and also on Sumerian clay tablets. In the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus (written around 1550 BC) cumin is described as an ingredient in several of the Egyptian medicines, and the seeds […]
What is Asafetida used for?
Asafetida is said to be endowed with magical powers and thought to ward off evil spirits. It was believed that the strong pungent smell of the plant could keep certain diseases at bay. For that reason, it was a practice in some European countries for children to keep small cloth bags containing the herb close […]
What is Chinese Knotweed (Fo-ti) used for?
Fo-ti is one of principal ingredients of the “Shou Wu Chih,” which is one of the Chinese patent medicines. In China, it is believed that the medication prepared from this plant rejuvenate the body. It has been suggested that fo-ti may be useful as a medicinal herb to relieve symptoms of Alzheimer’s. It is thought that […]
What is Red Sage used for?
Red sage is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and it has been used as a medicinal herb for more than 2000 years. In China, extensive research has been carried out on the benefits and medicinal properties of red sage. Studies have shown that the tanshinones in the herb have a positive effect on […]
What is European Ash used for?
There’s a very long historical tradition of using European ash as a medicine. Its uses as a medicinal herb were already known by the Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.). St. Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179), a German writer, composer and philosopher, writes of using ash as a treatment for gout and rheumatism. European ash […]
What is White Horehound used for?
White horehound is mostly used as a herbal tea. When making a tea a ½-1 teaspoon of the dried herb can be used in one cup of boiling water and soak for 10-15 minutes before it is strained. The daily dosage often recommended by herbalist to reduce a sore throat and loosen phlegm is one […]
What is Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) used for?
In Russia, eleuthero was widely used as an adaptogen, which is a substance taken to help alleviate either physical or mental stress, or provides the ability to adapt to otherwise adverse external conditions. It was also used to boost physical performance and as an alternative treatment to reduce infections. Cosmonauts in Russia used it as […]